Jan 29, 2020
Spotlight Comics
- Middlewest #14
from Image | Writer(s): Skottie
Young | Artist(s): Jorge Corona Jean-Francois Beaulieu |
- Count Crowley Reluctant Midnight Monster Hunter #4
from Dark Horse | Writer(s): David
Dastmalchian | Artist(s): Lukas Ketner | $3.99
- Once & Future #6
from BOOM! Studios | Writer(s):
Kieron Gillen | Artist(s): Dan Mora | $3.99
- Vampire State Building
#4 from Ablaze Media |
Writer(s): Ange Patrick Renault | Artist(s): Charlie Adlard |
- Heist Or How To Steal A
Planet #3 from Vault
Comics | Writer(s): Paul Tobin | Artist(s): Arjuna Susini |
- American Jesus #2 from Image Comics (W) Mark Millar (A) Peter
Gross - $3.99
- Archie vs. Predator 2 #5 (of 5) from Dark Horse Comics (W) Alex DeCampi
(A) Robert Hack
- Vampironica New Blood #2 (of 4)
From Archie Comics (W) Frank Tieri, Michael Moreci (A) Audrey
- Family Tree #3
from Image | Writer(s): Jeff Lemire
| Artist(s): Phil Hester Various | $3.99
- Folklords #3
from BOOM! Studios | Writer(s):
Matt Kindt | Artist(s): Matt Smith | Colors: Chris O’Halloran |
Letters: Jim Campbell | $3.99
- Wellington #2
from IDW Publishing | Writer(s):
Aaron Mahnke | Artist(s): Piotr Kowalski | $3.99
- Wasted Space #13
from Vault Comics | Writer(s):
Michael Moreci | Artist(s): Hayden Sherman | Colors: Jason Wordie |
Letters: Jim Campbell | $3.99
- Ether Disappearance Of Violet
Bell #5 from Dark Horse |
Writer(s): Matt Kindt | Artist(s): David Rubin | $3.99
- I Can Sell You A Body
#2 from IDW Publishing |
Writer(s): Ryan Ferrier | Artist(s): George Kambadais |
- Heart Attack #3
from Image | Writer(s): Shawn
Kittelsen | Artist(s): Eric Zawadzki Michael Garland |
- Edgar Allan Poes Snifter Of
Terror Season 2 #4 from
Ahoy Comics | Writer(s): Linda Medley Various | Artist(s): Linda
Medley Various | $3.99
- Heartbeat #3
from BOOM! Studios | Writer(s):
Maria Llovet | Artist(s): Maria Llovet | $3.99
- Mirka Andolfos Un/Sacred
#3 from Ablaze Media |
Writer(s): Mirka Andolfo | Artist(s): Mirka Andolfo |
- Jugheads Time Police
TP from Archie Comics |
Writer(s): Sina Grace | Artist(s): Derek Charm | $14.99
- Necromancers Map TP
from Vault Comics | Writer(s):
Andrea Fort Michael Christopher Heron | Artist(s): Sam Beck |
- Resonant Vol 1 TP
from Vault Comics | Writer(s):
David Andry | Artist(s): Alejandro Aragon | $17.99
- Sera And The Royal Stars Vol
1 TP from Vault Comics |
Writer(s): Jon Tsuei | Artist(s): Audrey Mok | $17.99
- Road Of Bones TP
from IDW Publishing | Writer(s):
John Lees | Artist(s): Rich Douek | $17.99
Upcoming Comics
- Invisible Kingdom #9 from Dark Horse | Writer(s): G. Willow Wilson |
Artist(s): Christian Ward | $3.99
- Red Sonja And Vampirella Meet Betty And Veronica #8
from Dynamite Entertainment |
Writer(s): Amy Chu | Artist(s): Maria Sanapo |
- Farmhand #13 from Image |
Writer(s): Rob Guillory | Artist(s): Rob Guillory |
- Ice Cream Man #17 from Image |
Writer(s): W Maxwell Prince | Artist(s): Martin Morazzo Chris
Ohalloran | $3.99
- Killadelphia #3 from Image |
Writer(s): Rodney Barnes | Artist(s): Jason Shawn Alexander |
- Olympia #3 from Image |
Writer(s): Curt Pires Tony Pires | Artist(s): Alex Diotto Dee
Cunniffe | $3.99
- Weatherman Vol 2 #6 from Image
| Writer(s): Jody LeHeup | Artist(s): Nathan Fox |
- Sea Of Stars Vol 1 Lost In The Wild Heavens TP from Image | Writer(s): Jason Aaron Dennis
Hallum | Artist(s): Stephen Green Rico Renzi | $14.99
- Thumbs Vol 1 TP from Image |
Writer(s): Sean Lewis | Artist(s): Hayden Sherman |
- Black Stars Above #3 from Vault
Comics | Writer(s): Lonnie Nadler | Artist(s): Jenna Cha |
- Cult Classic Creature Feature #4 from Vault Comics | Writer(s): Eliot Rahal |
Artist(s): John Bivens | $3.99
- Mall #5 from Vault Comics |
Writer(s): Michael Moreci Gary Dauberman | Artist(s): Zak Hartong |
- Mirka Andolfos Un/Sacred #3 from Ablaze Media | Writer(s): Mirka Andolfo |
Artist(s): Mirka Andolfo | $3.99
- Shoplifters Will Be Liquidated #4 from AfterShock Comics | Writer(s): Patrick
Kindlon | Artist(s): Stefano Simeone | $3.99
- Something Is Killing The Children #5 from BOOM! Studios | Writer(s): James TynionIV
| Artist(s): Werther Dell'Edera | $3.99
- Vagrant Queen Planet Called Doom #1 from Vault Comics | Writer(s): Magdalene
Visaggio | Artist(s): Jason Smith | $3.99
- Frankenstein Undone #1 from
Dark Horse Comics (W) Mike
Mignola, Scott Allie(A)Ben Stenbeck - $3.99
We wanted to remind everyone,
if you have a comic or a trade or something that is coming out that
you think people are missing, and I know you do.
You have thirty seconds. Sell
us a comic book.
Give Chris and Gerry a call on
the voicemail line and Sell us a comic book. The number
(508) 534-8802
Give us a call. Leave a
Please keep it clean, and
under 30 seconds. And we will play it here on the show.
Thank you for listening to The
Professor Frenzy Show
You can find our podcast if
you do an iTunes search for The Professor Frenzy Show
You can listen to the show on
Twitter itself
Find Gerry on twitter
and Chris
Facebook Like The
Professor Frenzy Show Page
Spotify: search for Professor
YouTube: search for Professor
The Frenzy Feed has expanded
into a full slate of Podcasts.
On Monday we have Memory
Minute Monday where we look at some of the cool stuff from our
personal past.
On Wednesday, this show, the
Professor Frenzy Show, where we talk about new Indie
On Friday we have Professor
Frenzy’s Bedtime Stories, that is a show where I cover an EC horror
comic story.
And on Sunday we have
FrenzyPiece Theater where we take a deeper dive into full stories
and arcs of great recent comics. We are currently reading Paper
Just subscribe to our Podcast
feed by doing an iTunes search for Professor Frenzy and you can get
all those shows.
Now over on YouTube subscribe
to The Professor Frenzy Show and on Wednesday night, Gerry is going
to drop a video showing all my weekly comics. He’ll play a little
guitar, look at some books. I’m playing with the format, but should
be a fun time.